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PBC News & Comment Friday, August 24

TSA says “Keep those shoes on!” to maintain political theater at airports;  new theory about 2008 FISA reform law     –you can read about the complex FISA legal issues here

–California state Senator Leno passes cellphone privacy bill (again), requiring a warrant to search your phone or computer

–Gawker dumps 900 pages of Bain Capital documents:  first impression is that Romney is a world-class tax dodger

–Romney calls for more offshore drilling, as Dahr Jamail reports that Gulf shrimp have no eye or eyesockets–most likely from the chemical dispersants used after oil rig blew

–ICE agents, represented by GOP operative and Kansas Secretary of State, sue their boss to stop administrative implementation of the Dream Act

–Fox unmasks “anonymous” member of Seal Team 6 who is publishing a book about the bin Laden raid that was not cleared by the Pentagon

–David Brooks and Paul Krugman are on opposite sides of the op-ed page, both wrote things I agree with today, about Paul Ryan

–new reports says Iran has increased the number of centrifuges by 20%, and downplays the most important part: Iran is at least 2 years away from a first nuclear weapon

–Afghan troops and cops have actually killed more of their own Afghan colleagues than Americans–but not by much

–Stockton bankruptcy could undermine public pension rights, as other creditors claim foul

–California Nurses Assn. in struggle with SEIU healthcare union, which is trying to undermine CNA’s achievements on nurse/patient ratios