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PBC News & Comment: U2’s Bono Apologizes to iTunes Users, and Many Important Stories, Too!

Bono’s apology, plus exposure of possible corruption at top of NSA, Stingray deployed in Washington, DC–lots to report today…..

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–U2’s Bono apologizes for jamming free album on iTunes users
–No Ebola here….with massive, hysterical corporate media coverage, we’ll focus on other important stories here
–Buzzfeed reports on NSA officials with conflicting businesses
–NSA whistleblower Russ Tice comments
–Jason Leopold at Vice reports Washington DC is using Stingray cellphone surveillance dragnet
–US general running war on IS focuses on Iraq and training Iraqi forces, again
–Pentagon admits we have no credible partner in Syria
–at Common Dreams, Sarah Lazare says legal basis for Obama’s war in Iraq and Syria is “preposterous
–Norman Solomon on Processing Distortion, on the “lethal mush” of Obama’s Syria strategy
–Solomon and Marcy Wheeler co-wrote great recap of James Risen case for The Nation
–Judge agrees to delay of release of Gitmo force feeding videos at request of “Justice” Dept.
–Hunter Biden was booted from Navy after flunking cocaine test, but media ignores his job with Ukraine’s biggest gas firm
–SF Giants win pennant, 25 years since Loma Prieta quake