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PBC News & Comment: 57% of Americans Doubt Election Results

Two weeks before the election, new poll shows that only 43% have confidence that their vote will be counted correctly….–PRRI poll is detailed here

–GOP-orchestrated voter suppression schemes are working

–former NSA technical officer Bill Binney says NSA could prove Russian role in hacking, if it wanted to, in ;attest in-depth interview

–Hacked emails show Hillary Clinton insisted on collecting $12 million from Morocco for Foundation last year, over advisers’ objections

–other emails show $3 million plan to challenge Murdoch-owned media about climate change

NY Times has compiled list of 282 insults tweeted by Trump

–Elizabeth Warren turns Trump insult into badge of honor, promising that Nasty Women will vote against him

–investors pan AT & T merger plan with Time Warner, shares decline

Daily Beast reveals A T & T’s secret Project Hemisphere, a cell phone tracking database

–at Vice, Jason Leopold exposes high rates of PRST for former guards at Guantanamo

–UN Human Rights expert slams UN over cholera in Haiti, calling the coverup “a disgrace”

–in Pakistan, terrorists kill more than 50 people in attack on police academy

–Standing Rock “water protectors” expand efforts to block construction

–Roger and Carol Shuler have filed lawsuits in Alabama to seek justice for retribution from powerful Alabama leaders