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PBC News & Comment: Catching Up on Lotsa News!

Trump blasts Google and Facebook for alleged bias toward conservatives, but its lefty media being censored most, FireEye likely influencer….–Trump’s tirade woke allies at Facebook

–FireEye seems to be central player in “fake news” purges

–Norman Solomon declares victory in DNC change on superdelegates

–but “Peoples Party” has a more critical view

–DNC co-chair Keith Ellison’s former girlfriend accuses him of “narcissist abuse”

–our Narcissist-in-chief fired his White House counsel in a tweet, producing another Trump admission that could backfire

–tape of Cohen-Trump conversation about National Enquirer was related to decades of Trump dirt the tabloid had collected, but not published

–quoting Trump’s line that media are “enemy of the people”, California man is arrested for threats to Boston Globe

–after prolonged silence on Russiagate, Glenn Greenwald hammers CNN for failing to retract false claim that Michael Cohen had evidence of Trump prior knowledge

–at ConsortiumNews, Gareth Porter exposes hyped claims from DHS of Russian hacking of election sites

–VIPS open memo supports Trump’s cancellation of John Brennan’s security clearance

–Cynthia Nixon hit Gov. Andrew Cuomo pretty hard in debate last night

–Cuomo signed law to set up commission to investigate bad prosecutors, with reservations

–top judge at Guantanamo retires, leaving the legal mess in deeper disarray

–Pope Francis faces serious charge from the far right of Cathollic church over alleged prior knowledge of Cardinal McCarrick’s crimes

–Abigail Spanberger, former CIA spy running for Congress, gets apology for leak of her personal files by Postal Service