Starting in January, we are making some changes to this site. We continue to offer free content, as we try to generate enough revenue to keep the podcasts coming.
The daily PBC News & Comment will be posted here, at iTunes and other outlets, and is offered at no charge.
Our in-depth interviews will only be available here, and can be accessed by monthly subscribers ($5 per month minimum, $50 per year) or for $1 per episode. Click here to go to our sign-up form, which will allow you to set up a recurring subscription payment via PayPal. Or you can send a check to Collins Media Services, Box 100, Mill Valley CA 94942. If you mail a check, be sure to include your email address so we can send you the password.
For loyal listeners with limited scratch, a limited number of scholarships is available. Make your case to
With this approach, we are trying to maintain a free podcast service as we bring in enough money to cover the costs. Your feedback is welcome.