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PBC News & Comment Thursday, June 21

NY Times reports that CIA is arming rebels in Syria via third parties;  Ann Wright and Coleen Rowley raise important questions about new head of Amnesty International, Suzanne Nossel     Read the Wright/Rowley commentary here.


–UN advocate challenges US over legality of drone kills with almost no captures

–National Security Archive releases CIA documents that show 7 warnings of al Qaeda attack plans, and two drone sightings of bin Laden in 2000

–Pakistan arrests suspect linked to Mohammed Atta

–Supreme Courts dismisses FCC fines for nudity and fleeting expletives, but declines to rule on obscenity ban

–Food bill includes protections for Monsanto GMO’s

–U of Virginia fired its president, who may have opposed a corporate agenda

–PBC podcast tomorrow on solitary confinement for up to 40 years in California supermax prisons. We hear Dr. Terry Kupers on the mental health impact of long-term isolation

–SF Chronicle’s token conservative has the right take on the effort to remove Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi