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Alabama Report: Andrew Kreig Updates the Roger Shuler Case, and the Fight to Restore the Voting Rights Act

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Andrew Kreig reports on his jalhouse visit with Roger Shuler; Alabama’s embrace of “Moral Monday” protests to restore voting rights, and we discuss his new book Presidential Puppetry.Click here for free audiobook download from Audible, and earn $15 for the PBC Podcast!

Andrew Kreig is a journalist, lawyer, activist and author.  He founded the Justice Integrity Project and writes its blog; his new book is Presidential Punditry: Obama, Romney and Their Masters. Kreig was in Alabama from March 7-12, and covered events related to the annual march in Selma.

We open with Kreig’s report on his visit with jailed journalist Roger Shuler, who has been locked up since last October 23 under court orders and processes that are clearly unconstitutional.  Kreig describes Shuler’s situation, and we recap the legal issues of the case.  Kreig calls out his colleagues in various journalism organizations who have failed to join the fight to free Shuler, and relates aspects of the Shuler case to the Don Siegelman prosecution.

In the second portion of the podcast, we talk about the history of voting rights in Alabama and the south, and Kreig describes the inspiring activist from North Carolina, Rev. William Barber, who is bring his “Moral Monday” protest methods to Alabama and other states where access to the ballot is being sharply reduced.  We hear an interview with Mayor Johnny Ford of Tuskegee, AL and an excerpt from comments by Rev. Barber.

In the third portion, we discuss Kreig’s new book, which has ample coverage not just of voting rights, but also the unaddressed defects in our election process, including the use of electronic voting machines and tabulators.  We also talk about Karl Rove’s role in dark money and election rigging.  And Kreig details some important questions about Barack Obama’s personal story (but not the birther issues) that have never been well-examined.  If you listen to the final portion, Kreig makes a generous offer to give away electronic copies of his book to PBC listeners.