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PBC News & Comment: After 90-Day Blackout, Media Ask About Third Shooter in San Bernardino

Calling for Apple to hack San Bernardino iPhone, father of victim mentions reports of third shooter, dismissed by cops, media….–read the LA Times story here

–ObamaCo is divided over schizoid encryption policy

–federal judge in Philadelphia case rules that there are limits on citizens’ right to videotape police incidents

–new HBO documentary Homegrown reviews the case of American serving 17 years who did not commit terrorism crimes

–Sarah Shourd, who spent over 400 days in solitary in Iran’s Evin prison, shares her ordeal and her new book: Hell is a Very Small Place—Voices From Solitary Confinement

–citizenship applications jump by 14%, some triggered by Trump and want to vote against him

–GOP old line scramble to block Trump with nasty TV ads in Florida

–Dems debated in Flint Sunday night, and Sanders bested Clinton on Ex/Im Bank and fracking

–your humble host was unfriended on Facebook by a Clinton partisan for suggesting that GOP will obstruct her if she is elected

–dating website survey shows 57% of Republican singles have lied to a date about their political affiliation

NY Times Public Editor says careful review shows that 75% of campaign coverage is about the “horse race”, not substance

–WhoWhatWhy slams the Times for today’s coverage, arguing it stacks the deck against Sanders, Trump

–former Eagles bassist Randy Meisner’s wife dies in suspicious shooting

–Nancy Reagan dies at 94, as her nurse hints that Trump’s below-the-belt debate comments may have hastened her demise