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PBC News & Comment: Stop the Presses: Trump Admits He Was Wrong, Cancels Iran Attack

The insecure Don who never backs down or admits fault goes rogue, and thankfully cancels strike on Iran at last minute….–Trump discovers “proportionality” and displays a rare concern for non-American lives

NY Times columnist Roger Cohen slams Trump in well-written piece

–at ConsortiumNews, Joe Lauria thinks Trump was pressured by Bolton and Pompeo, and indecisive until final moments of countdown to attack

–the stable genius decided he oughta have a Defense Secretary, and moves to appoint former Raytheon lobbyist Mark Esper

–journalist/columnist E. Jean Carroll becomes Trump’s 16th accuser, says he assaulted her in dressing room in 1995 or 96

–in San Diego war crimes trial of Navy Seal team leader, shocking and unexpected testimony from team member upends the court martial

–expect Trump to demagogue the FBI’s latest “domestic terrorism” case, which appears to be another entrapment by undercover operatives

–after revelation of racist online comments by police, 72 cops in Philly are suspended from patrol, St. Louis prosecutor refuses cases involving 22 cops

–a pleasant surprise from the “we like beer” justice, as Kavanaugh writes majority opinion in case regarding exclusion of black jurors

–Turkey jails 151 for life for involvement in 2016 alleged coup attempt

–in his first appearance, new Guantanamo judge in 9/11 case seems to be a real improvement over past judges

–the recent hack of the contractor that runs border crossing surveillance is much worse than first reported

–University of Alaska study warns that melting permafrost in East Siberian Arctic Shelf could produce “methane burp” that could greatly accelerate the crisis

–CA Gov. Newsom intervenes to limit vaccination zero tolerance bill

Buzzfeed workers stage walkout as digital media shops unionize

–SF-based Neanderthal radio host Michael Savage helped create the Trump monster, and now attacks him from the right

–as your humble host takes a 3-week break, many members of Congress are packing for Israel on competing junkets of AIPAC and J Street