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PBC News & Comment: Killing Top Iranian General, Trump ‘Wags the Dog’ and Risks New War

Drone strike in Baghdad kills Gen. Qassim Suleimani, Ayatollah vows “forceful revenge” as Iraq, Russia and Democrats call it illegal…–US claims retaliation for death of American contractor and the recent assault on our Green Zone embassy: excuses for the Iran war wanted by Trump and Netanyahu

–Russia calls the assassination illegal under United Nations

–as with the killing of al-Baghdadi, Trump refused to notify Congressional leaders and allies of the operation

–Demprez candidates oppose Trump’s decision, for various reasons

–Congressional Dems slam Trump, just days after passing NDAA that adds funding and removed restrictions on Trump moves against Iran and Yemen

–at ConsortiumNews, Joe Lauria—who lived in Iraq for several years—warns of major new war in Mideast

–at MintPress, Whitney Webb adds important context

–at The Intercept, Mehdi Hassan notes that Trump was once clueless about Suleimani

–just before Christmas, federal judge in Montana gave green light to lawsuit challenging latest approval of KeystoneXL pipeline

–some evangelicals are moving away from Trump, but not their leaders

–PBS NewsHour aired unbalanced interview, pandering to Christian extremists

–American Methodists to split into 2 churches over same sex marriage

–GOP members of Congress sign letter asking SCOTUS to overturn Roe v. Wade