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PBC News & Comment: Bloomberg Buys Spot on Vegas Debate Stage

Las Vegas is fitting scene for billionaire con man to make his first debate appearance, after flooding media, politicians w/cash….–in massive astroturf effort, Bloomberg buys influence and support, seducing many Democrats and setting up 2-way socialist vs oligarch race

NY Times exposes how Bloomberg’s money and influence led Emily’s List and Center for American Progress to censor reports critical of Bloomberg

–Grand Theft: Wall Street—Bloomie steals transaction tax promoted by Sanders and Warren

–Paul Krugman blasts Bloomberg for claiming that liberals caused 2008 meltdown

–also at NY Times, Jamelle Bouie compares Trump’s record of racism to Mayor Mike

–in fresh podcast, democracy activist Adam Eichen has strong comments about Bloomberg

–Sanders has ramped up his criticism of Bloomberg at recent rallies

–media demonization of Sanders continues unabated

Haaretz columnist says AIPAC’s effort to stop Bernie is complicated by Trump

–after journalist Abby Martin sued over Georgia’s anti-BDS law, she got chilling tweet from Netanyahu’s office

–Whitney Webb reveals NY surveillance center is run by Israeli companies

–Trump ignores advisors’ fears about exporting US technology to China

–on Friday, mistrial was declared in case against Venezuelan Embassy Protectors due to hung jury

–as judges are alarmed by Trump’s brazen interference, sentencing of Roger Stone will happen Thursday on schedule

–more than 1,000 former prosecutors demand resignation of AG Bill Barr

–Trump pardons form SF 49ers owner Eddie DeBartolo

–NSA whistleblower Reality Winner asks Trump for clemency