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PBC News & Comment: American Black Activists Support Palestinians and BDS

1,000+ US civil rights activists sign statement supporting Palestinian cause and Boycott, Divestment Sanctions against Israel, blacks treated “like Gaza”…

–in Spain, BDS activists pressured peace concert organizers to cancel performance by Jewish American, but Matisyahu is re-invited after counter protest

–Doctors say Palestinian hunger striker has brain damage, lawyers press for his release from uncharged “administrative detention”

–Haaretz writer Bradley Burston reluctantly admits that Israeli policies amount to apartheid in this powerful column

–campaigning for the US presidency in Israel, Rev. Mike Huckabee blunders, holding fundraiser in illegal Jewish settlement

–in Albany, NY, trial of KKK member is underway, accused of offering to “help Jews get rid of their enemies”; lawyer says he was set up by FBI

NY Times editorial blasts continued military aid to Egypt despite obvious human rights abuses

–in Yemen, Houthi rebels ambush government troops, contradicting prediction that they would soon be defeated

–Chelsea Manning is disciplined for trumped-up infractions, avoids solitary but loses chance to move to minimum security next year

–hackers release data on would-be philanderers who used Ashley Madison site

–Hillary openly disagrees with Obama about Arctic drilling

–EPA announces plan to cut methane released by fracking and other oil & gas extraction

–state investigations of Planned Parenthood show no wrongdoing with fetal tissues, but some of those states try to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood anyway

–FDA approves “female Viagra” drug with brand name Addyi, but expert at Public Citizen predicts it will be taken off the market due to side effects