Guests: Ari Berman, Jonathan Hafetz, Dr. Dahlia Wasfie, Deborah Vagins, Brad Friedman, and Kate Hanni.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Ari Berman from The Nation discusses Hillary’s link to Blackwater. 30 minutes in – Jonathan Hafetz from the Brennan Center at NYU discusses the Gonzales torture memo’s and the democrats reaction to them. 60 minutes in – Dr. Dahlia Wasfie discusses Iraq being partitioned, oil, and anthropologists. 90 minutes in – Deborah Vagins, from the ACLU, discusses hate crimes ENDA not having anything about Transgenders in it. 120 minutes in – Brad Friedman from discusses Duncan Hunter, Obama blocking Spakovsky and Holt. 150 minutes in – Kate Hanni discusses taht 29% of flights in August were delayed.