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10-23-07 Episode

Guests: Mike Hoyt, Scott Ritter, Kevin Spillane, Matt Renner, Melanie Sloan, and Patti Colston.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Mike Hoyt, Editor of “Reporting Iraq”, discusses Journalists talk about covering the war. 30 minutes in – Scott Ritter discusses the Eve of Destruction, and the risk of war with Iran rising. 60 minutes in – Bob Adney discusses stalking Fabian Nunez, voting no on 93, and term limit changes. 90 minutes in – Matt Renner frum discusses his interview with Lynn Woolsey, getting out of Iraq, and NSA/FISA. 120 minutes in – Melanie Sloan, from CREW, discusses the white house emails, an update on the Brent Wilkes trial, and Senator Grassley regarding Stephen Moses. 150 minutes in –