Guests: Marjorie Cohn, Jim Lobe, Jason Leopold, John Nichols, and Rabbi Arthur Waskow.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Marjorie Cohn, a professor of law from the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, and president of the national Lawyers guild, discusses the Padilla case and Gonzales testimony Thursday. She currently has a book out, “Cowboy Republic: 6 ways the Bush Gang has defied the law” 30 minutes in – Jim Lobe from Inter Press Service discusses the Wolfowitz world bank scandal. 60 minutes in – Jason Leopold from discusses the missing emails and Patrick Fitzgerald. 90 minutes in – John Nichols from The Nation magazine discusses Media “Post-Imus”. He currently has a book out, “The Genius of Impeachment: The Founders’ Cure for Royalism” 120 minutes in – Rabbi Arthur Waskow discusses the Virginia Tech shootings.