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4-23-07 Episode

Guests: Eric Boehlert, Professor Sinan Antoon, Reverand Robin Meyers, and Dave Meserve.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Eric Boehlert from Media Matters discusses Virginia Tech, the NBC tape, and the PBS series. He currently has a book out, “Lapdog: how the press rolled over for Bush”. 30 minutes in – Professor Sinan Antoon, who is a senior editor for Arab Studies Journal, member of PEN America, contributing editor to Banipal, and a member of the ditorial committee of Middle East Report, discusses Walling Baghdad, the slaughter of Yazidis, and beating suspects. 60 minutes in – Reverand Robin Meyers from the UCC Mayflower discusses fascism and NBC’s handling of Virginia Tech. Currently has a book out, “Why the Christian Right is Wrong”. 150 minutes in – Dave Meserve from the Arcata City Council discusses the impeachment event Wednsday at Capitol.