Guests: Faiz Shakir, Martin Garbus, Scott Dick, Tim Carpenter, Dr. Bill Honigman, and Jeff Cohen.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Faiz Shakir, research director at the Center for American Progress, joins us for his weekly progress report, and discusses the impeachment blackout, supplemental Abramoff #11, and Broder vs Harry Reid. 30 minutes in – Martin Garbus discusses the TExas death penalty habeas, Gitmo lawyers, Activist judges, and abortion rulings. He currently has a book out, “The Next 25 Years: The New Supreme Court and What It Means for Americans”. 60 minutes in – Scott Dick discusses Petraus, Tillman/Lynch, Giuliani, and the troops. 120 minutes in – Tim Carpenter, Dr. Bill Honigman, and Jeff Cohen join us all from one car on a caravan to san diego.