Guests: Faiz Shakir, Scott Dick, and Julia Whitty.
Time of guest appearance: Start of show – Faiz Shakir from the Progress Report joins us for his weekly update, and discussess Zoellick, Cheney visitor logs, Fred Thompson, and Petraeus. 60 minutes in – Scott Dick joins us for his weekly segment, and discusses the White House opposing troop pay raise of 3.5% , confusion regarding the possibility of a second surge, as well as possibly withdrawing soon, combat pay abuse by officers with bonuses climbing to one billion dollars, with Generals getting 100% of base at retirement. 120 minutes in – Julia Whitty, a science writer, TV producer, and scuba diver who is also the author of “A Tortoise for the Queen of Tonga, a book of short stories” discusses that in 93 years, half of life will be extinct.