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Info on Podcast #120

Bishop Thomas Gumbleton on the (im)morality of wars, the new START treaty, and the sex abuse scandal in his church; PBC on the lost interview with Joe Sestak, and John Isaacs on START and nuclear disarmament. Bishop Gumbleton, retired Catholic bishop from Detroit, says the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan–and the use of drones–are immoral, and criticizes other religious leaders for failing to speak out; he has reservations about the new START treaty with Russia; and he decries the crimes of pedophile priests and their coverup by church leaders, right up to the Pope. PBC explains what happened to the interview with Rep. Sestak, candidate for Senate in Pennsylvania, and recaps the conversation. Then he talks with John Isaacs, executive director of the Council for a Liveable World about the START treaty that Obama plans to sign in Prague later this week. Isaacs addresses some of the issues raised by Bishop Gumbleton and talks about prospects for Senate ratification of the treaty. With a range of establishment voices, including Kissinger, calling for nuclear disarmament, Isaacs believes this is the best chance in the last 20 years for meaningful change.