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PBC Live! Weekly on KGO

Your humble host has been remiss in keeping you apprised of his other media activities. Since February, I’ve been hosting a regular weekly show on KGO, the leading San Francisco talk station with a huge coverage area–at night, you can hear it anywhere on the West Coast. TFN (till further notice), you can hear me every Friday night–or, more precisely, Saturday morning, from 1-5 am (PDT) on 810-AM or streaming at If you’d like to be alerted each week, sign up on Facebook as a fan of “Peter B. Collins Show” or you can follow me on Twitter, @pbcsf

Tonight, (Saturday March 26) we start the show off with famous San Francisco defense attorney J. Tony Serra, a remarkable man who has won some amazing cases. Lots of room for phone calls in the middle of the night (415-808-0810) and at 4 am we will talk with Wake Forest U Professor of Politics, David Coates.

For legal reasons, I can’t post the KGO audio files here. But you can find each show at the KGO site for one week. Just go to this page and select “Saturday” and “1:00am” to listen to the first hour. You can fast forward through news and commercials, just like Tivo.

Also, I co-host a local cable TV interview show in Marin County, and you are welcome to take a look here. New episodes are posted at the first of each month.