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PBC News & Comment Friday, April 13

NJ Gov. Chris Christie’s pants are on fire–he lied about factors used to justify cancelling the NJ-NYC tunnel project;  Newt Gingrich slams Fox News for biased coverage–isn’t that special??  Also:

–Obamas release tax returns: their federal tax rate for 2011 is 20.5%; that’s 6% higher than Romney, 9% below the “Buffet rule”

–Pakistan agrees to re-open roads to permit US supply convoys to Afghanistan, but demands end to drone strikes in return

–6-nation talks with Iran over nuclear issues start in Istanbul this weekend

–Syria was generally quiet Thursday, but government is not honoring all terms of cease-fire brokered by UN

–Gunter Grass takes heat in Germany for poem that criticized Israel

–corporate whistleblowers are often treated as badly as government whistlblowers, reforms needed