Deep Purple keyboard master Jon Lord checks out at 71; Syrian civil war rocks Damascus with deadly attack on its “pentagon”, killing Defense Minister who was Assad’s brother-in-law Also:
–Israel immediately blames Iran for attack in Bulgaria that killed 4 Israelis
–the father of Anwar al-Awlaki has sued the government over the assassination of Awlaki and his 16-year-old son by drone strikes in Yemen last year
–US is spending millions to build phony missile defense installation in Qatar
–Symposium on Genetically Modified Organisms and California’s Prop 37 on the November ballot, requiring disclosure of GMO’s in food products, July 25 at Community Center in San Rafael, CA
–Consumer Financial Protection Bureau nails Capitol One for misleading credit card customers
–Megabank HSBC nailed for money laundering for drug cartels, al Qaeda and outlaw nations
–3 important developments in cases of sex crimes in the military