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PBC News & Comment Wednesday, August 8

“Ultra-liberal” appeals court overturns the only wiretapping verdict, sealing the fate of our 4th Amendment rights….buh-bye!!    Also:

–Bill Keller, who was editor of NY Times when it “regurgitated” BushCo lies about Iraq and WMD, is concerned about crackdown on leaks

–Chevron’s refinery just across the Bay had big fire Monday, we recap the history of serious problems at the refinery

–Tucson shooter Jared Loughner is suddenly declared competent as he plea-bargains to avoid trial and death penalty

–Tucson voices note inaction on gun violence, sign the petition here

–recap of primary results in Missouri and Michigan

–Moscow court seems ready to convict and sentence the female punkers known as Pussy Riot

–R.I.P.: Judith Crist, Marvin Hamlisch and Sister Boom Boom