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Boiling Frogs: Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern on Obama’s Drones, Targeted Killings, Cyberwarfare and more



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Ray McGovern, the outspoken but gentle former intelligence officer, talks about a number of important current issues; co-host with Sibel Edmonds

Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern returns to our show to discuss the erosion of the US Constitution and the absence of public outrage, the illegality of and the expected backlash from US drone strikes, the clear contradiction between the US/Israeli intelligence estimates about Iran’s nuclear program, the lack of real debate on and the hypocrisy of the use of Cyberwarfare, and more!

RMRay McGovern’s 27-year career as a CIA analyst spanned administrations from John F. Kennedy to George H. W. Bush. Ray’s duties at CIA included chairing National Intelligence Estimates and preparing the President’ Daily Brief (PDB). During the mid-eighties, Ray was one of the senior analysts conducting early morning briefings of the PDB one-on-one with the Vice President, the Secretaries of State and Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. He received his B.A., summa cum laude, from Fordham College, designated a Distinguished Military Graduate, he was commissioned upon graduation and served as an infantry/intelligence officer in the US Army from 1962-64. McGovern holds an M.A. in Russian Studies from Fordham University and a certificate in Theological Studies from Georgetown University. He is also a graduate of the Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program.