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PBC News & Comment Tuesday, August 28

New Orleans hunkers down for Isaac, 7 years after Katrina; Israel bombs Gaza, Gareth Porter investigates Delhi bombing case….   –read Gareth Porters first installment of his investigation of Israeli claims that Hezbollah is responsible for this and other attacks; the attack was on February 13 this year–I misstated it as July 31

–Jeffrey Kaye and Jason Leopold’s exclusive reports on the misuse of an anti-malaria drug on Gitmo prisoners is noted in a new medical journal report

–Russ Baker at collects interesting items about the war in Syria and US role

–San Francisco’s newly-appointed archbishop admits to drunk driving after arrest over the weekend

–Steve Jobs’ revenge on Google and Android reflected in $1 billion award in suit against Samsung.  Will future tech profits be based on patent lawsuits?

–NJ’s maximum Governor Chris Christie slams California voters for rejecting Meg Whitman in 2010, shows great ignorance

–Romney expects to be nominated tonight, his cronies are trying to silence Ron Paul delegates in a great show of democracy

–Roy Zimmerman wraps up the podcast with his new song about Bishop Mittens