PBC breaks down the debate, WTF Smackdown #2; Obama performed well, but was robotic and dodged many questions….Romney worked the Etch-a-Sketch again, but blundered by bulldozing moderator Candy Crowley multiple times. The debate was staged like a reality/game show, and Crowley filtered the questions to make sure that many important topics were not mentioned. Bishop Romney called himself a “pastor”, and blew it when he dramatically charged Obama with failing to label the Benghazi attack a “terrorist” event. Crowley told him he was wrong, but the truth lies in between the rhetorical goalposts. As predicted by your humble host, NDAA, surveillance, Guantanamo and other issues were not included.
–former FISA court judge scoffs at government secrecy
–we hear an excerpt from our interview with Steve Horn, about the role of fracking industry leaders in the Susan G. Komen Foundation, whose mission is to fight breast cancer
–an appeal from California challenges the classification of cannabis as a Schedule I drug, which keeps it illegal under federal law, and blocks research
–a former defense contractor and critic of NDAA is trapped in Honolulu, a victim of the “no-fly list”.
–Iranian-American Arbabsiar pleads guilty to fictional terror plot exposed in 2011
–breaking: FBI sting sets up attack on NY Federal Reserve, then blocks it, proclaiming they are keeping us safe from scripts from “24” and “Homeland”
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