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PBC News & Comment: Confirmation of the United States of Surveillance

Glenn Greenwald exposes supersecret FISA Court order to Verizon to turn over all phone records daily; Big Brother always watching everyone…Al Gore breaks silence, tweets “blanket surveillance obscenely outrageous?”

–read Glenn Greenwald’s initial article and the court order here

–more spy news breaking, as Guardian reports PRISM gives government access to search engine data

–in a chilling excerpt from our in-depth interview, reporter Beau Hodai says electronic surveillance is not limited to NSA

–Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) co-authors bill to ban use of armed drones in the US

–first statement from new Prime Minister of Pakistan calls for an end to US drone strikes

–protesters in Turkey issue some demands, Erdogan dismisses them

–more guards deployed to Gitmo as hunger strike continues

–former Congressman Duke Cunningham released from prison after long stretch for bribery