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PBC News & Comment: 3 Big Questions for Obama Before Attack on Syria

Andrew Bacevich has three key questions for Obama before strike on Syria; Russia says evidence shows rebels used gas in March…..Click here for GoDaddy deal that benefits the PBC podcast.

–read the Bacevich commentary here.

–accentuating US hypocrisy, Foreign Policy publishes CIA confirmation of US complicity in Iraq’s use of chemical weapons on Iran in 1988

–Obama will honor Dr. King in Wednesday speech–will he mention King’s opposition to war?

NY Times website suffers denial of service attack

–Laura Poitras pens articles for Der Spiegel that reveal widespread, long term NSA spying on other governments–and not just to prevent terror attacks, as Obama has stated

–James Bamford, the acknowledged expert on the NSA underscores the agency’s manipulation of the FISA court in this article

NY Times reporter Risen is fighting Obama “Justice” Dept. to avoid testifying against confidential source–despite the pledge of AG Holder

–CNN’s Sanjay Gupta admits he was wrong about marijuana, and SF Chronicle columnist Debra J. Saunders points out that classifying weed as Schedule I, along with heroin, is at the root of our incoherent policies