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PBC News & Comment: Morsi Stands Tall as Kerry Kisses Up to Egyptian Dictators

Defiant Mohammed Morsi challenges legitimacy of military dictators as John Kerry says generals are “restoring democracy” in Egypt…..Click here for GoDaddy deal that benefits the PBC Podcast! serves up two powerful critiques of US foreign policy, especially related to the MidEast.  Read these articles by Bob Dreyfuss and Peter van Buren.

–new book of 2012 election behind-the-scenes quotes Obama about drones: “I’m pretty good at killing people”

–Day 13 of Roger Shuler’s unlawful detention in Shelby County, Alabama, as ACLU files amicus brief on constitutional issues

–drug testing of welfare recipients and others is a popular GOP proposal, but NY Times reports that it’s costly and ineffective

–Navy commander accused of taking bribes to steer Navy ships to ports where his conspirator made money

–Hillary Clinton bans media coverage of paid speech in San Francisco this weekend, which ensures leaked coverage

–Sen. Rand Paul accused of plagiarism, promises copious footnotes

–Toronto Mayor Rob Ford finally admits it, he got drunk and smoked crack

–email from space cadet offers dirt on alien sightings…are you interested?