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Medical Cannabis Activist Steve DeAngelo Comments on House Vote to Block Prosecutions of Legal Dispensaries

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Steve DeAngelo is co-founder and executive director of the nonprofit Harborside Health Center, and joins us to comment on the House amendment that blocks funding for prosecution of state-legal medical cannabis dispensaries.Click here for free audiobook download from Audible, and earn $15 for the PBC Podcast!

After years of harassment from federal prosecutors, the House passed an amendment to the funding bill for the Justice Department, blocking the use of funds to raid, arrest or prosecute patients and providers in states where medical marijuana is legal.  DeAngelo sees this as an important step that blocks federal interference in state matters.

He has blunt comments for the US attornies who have hounded Harborside after the initial forbearance of the Obama administration, and singles out Washington state’s US attorney for pursuit of a family that has been growing marijuana for medical purposes in one of the two states where the weed is completely legal.

And he’s very clear that President Obama, despite his claims to the contrary, could re-schedule or de-schedule cannabis at any time, which would dramatically change the enforcement picture.

He mentions Safe Access Now for more information and activism.