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PBC News & Comment: Deadly Battles in Syria Overshadowed by Israel’s War on Gaza

700 killed in 2-day battle between Syrian forces and Islamic State, risking regional or world war against Sunni militants…..Click here for free audiobook download from Audible, and earn $15 for the PBC Podcast!

–Israel closes Tel Aviv airport after rocket strike, confirms that a soldier is missing

–two different appeals court rulings on Obamacare put coverage of 4.5 million at risk

–in bankrupt Detroit water cutoffs suspended as pensioners approve cuts

–Al Jazeera’s documentary anchored by Trevor Aaronson, Newburgh 4 documentary now on HBO

–impeachment papers accuse president of over-reaching his authority….in the Phillippines

–US quietly resumes drone strikes in Pakistan

–Transgender advocates praise Obama’s executive order banning discrimination

–using “inversion” scheme, Walgreen’s re-flags as Swiss company in tax dodge that draws threats of boycott

–San Francisco considers tax on sugary sodas

–conservative think tanks run full page ad mapping Dept of Homeland Security’s maze of agencies, reporting to 92 different Congressional committees….and can we change the name?