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PBC News & Comment: Jason Leopold Reports that Senate Torture “Review” to be Released in Days

–after 2 years of delay and infighting, including a Senate-CIA showdown, Feinstein’s torture review set for release, says Jason Leopold… –read Leopold’s report here

–Sen. Paul forces lame ducks to vote on war resolution

–Sen. Boxer shows some of her old moxie in final exchange with head of Nuke Regulatory Commission

–one issue Boxer used to fight for was abortion rights…20-year-old Texan Lenzi Sheible is fighting—we talk with her in Processing Distortion podcast at BoilingFrogsPost.  Sheibel founded

–mostly peaceful protests in response to grand jury coverup of Eric Garner’s death

–Cleveland police department faces federal consent decree over pattern of abusive behavior

–St. Louis cops used Cleveland incident in inept Facebook post about toy guns

–at al Jazeera, Joshua Kopstein makes the case that cop cams don’t ensure justice

–Alameda County sheriff goes around elected officials, announces he’s got a drone and he’s gonna use it

–as Putin gives annual speech, Chechen rebels launch fierce gun battle in Grozny

–Putin says the West is trying to build a new Iron Curtain around Russia

–Robert Parry notes that even Henry Kissinger thinks Putin is being unfairly treat by Western media and leaders