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PBC News & Comment: Former NSA Technical Director Bill Binney Comments on Sony Hack

–Binney says NSA finds vulnerabilities in corporate security, software, but doesn’t alert companies or consumers so it can exploit weaknesses…

–opening music from Joe Cocker, who died today at age 70

–Obama deflects McCain’s “act of war” claim, as North Korea’s internet crashes and Pyongyang offers to partner with US to find the real hackers; US asks China for help

–Tor encryption network is under attack, one key node reports loss of control of servers, reports Pando

–as New Yorker and NBC News defer to CIA, Greenwald names Alfreda Bikowsky as CIA “queen of torture”; she was identified here in 2011

–Wikileaks releases secret CIA documents for agents: how to sneak through airport security using fake identities

–4 Afghans released from Guantanamo, based on request of new President Ghani—we suggest British PM Cameron make the same kind of request to release Shaker Aamer

–based on Senate torture report, Marcy Wheeler explains how fake threat around 2004 elections led to CIA demands to resume torture tactics

–Jason Leopold translates the happy talk lexicon from Gitmo

–following weekend murder of 2 cops in Brooklyn, Mayor calls for suspension of protests—but will he get Giuliani, others to stop irresponsible blame comments?–we close with a gentle new inspirational tune from Michael Franti and Spearhead, Same as it Ever Was.