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PBC News & Comment: Time to Give Obama the “Fish Cheer”

Obama’s pledge to keep US boots off the ground in Mideast erodes as generals say current plan won’t beat Daesh…

–as the song says, “what are we fighting for?” 3 options for escalation are being considered, but Andrew Bacevich airs bold proposal to let Iran handle IS

–Gen. Dempsey talks about new “lily pad” bases in Iraq

–in new in-depth interview, Jason Leopold of VICE talks about his FOIA testimony at House hearing, and recent stories

–Leopold’s latest is a funny take on FOIA requests for bin Laden’s porn stash

–FBI finally removes 4 American Muslims from no-fly list to avoid trial alleging list is used to pressure them to become informants

–longtime investigative reporter Seth Rosenfeld exposes FBI informant who provided arms to Black Panthers

–Mumia Abu Jamal is fighting for his life, and his supporters are demanding his release

–latest leak of TPP documents shows Medicare is under fire, and Obamaco proposes $700 million cuts to pay for job dislocation benefits

–Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) slams Speaker Boehner for blocking amendments to TPP Fast Track, and has 30 to offer

–vulnerable GOP senators like Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) want to soften the “war on women” by easing contraceptive rules

–right wing idiots like Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-Dark Ages) introduce 20-week abortion ban, pandering to far right

–Bill Clinton says if Hillary is elected, he will stop giving paid speeches

–recognizing a little humanity in the Dallas cop who lost it at the pool party last week