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PBC News & Comment: Target and Victims of America’s Drone Wars Speak Out

Pakistani peace activist Malik Jalal has survived three drone attacks, Yemeni teen al-Wisabi describes that drone that almost killed him….–Jalal’s moving commentary is here

Vice report on Yemen drone strikes is here, tentative cease-fire is in effect

–as Obama reviews his incoherent strategies toward IS, State Dept. spinmeister gives upbeat recap of our undeclared wars in Iraq, Syria

–U2’s Bono says he’s serious, send comics to defeat Daesh

–John Kerry racks up miles, and smiles, but few achievements in Bahrain, Iraq, Afghnistan and Japan

–Obama-Clinton support for the 2009 Honduran coup is unpacked by Kevin Gozstola in this report

–Oregon Democrat Jeff Merkley is first senator to endorse Sanders

–in rambling essay, lefty iconTom Hayden displays ambivalence, lists several reasons to support Sanders, then shocks his fans by concluding he’ll vote for Clinton

–Trump failed to read the GOP primary and convention manuals, but he’s still correct that the system is rigged

–100 former state attorneys general sign letter to Obama demanding pardon for former AL governor Don Siegelman

–Alabama TV station exposes effective gag on Siegelman, their request to interview him has been pending for 20 months

–on E-Bay, you can bid to buy the shirt off Siegelman’s back and help fund new documentary about his case