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PBC News & Comment: Is Trump Fixin’ to Fire Mueller?

DC rumor mill, stoked by Dems, spreads alarm about possibility that Orange Lunatic will stage political massacre during the holidays….–Trump attacks Mueller over transition emails, but sys he’s not planning to fire him

–Seth Abramson, professor and poet, tweets about constitutional crisis, calls it an “emergency”

Public Citizen reports over 100,000 Americans have pledged to protest if it happens

–at House Intel shop, Dem Adam Schiff balks as GOP flamethrower Trey Gowdy tries to wrap up Russiagate investigation

–Trump is right that FBI is “disgraceful” but his criticism is only self-focused

–under Obama, DEA was blocked from major action against McKesson, which was making huge profits peddling opioids on a massive scale

–Sen. Bob Corker showed true colors in about face on tax cuts after secret provision was added that will net him an estimated $1.1 million

–in op-ed, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren make many rational arguments that will be ignored in rush to ram through tax cuts

–GOP promised to simplify tax code and tax filing, but never mind

–after bulldozing Dems on tax cuts, GOP hopes to avoid shutdown later this week

–yellow journalism alert…The Guardian posts “explainer” on unproven Russiagate narrative, then slams skeptics of Syrian White Helmets as Putin tools

–Senator-elect Doug Jones blunders badly, says Trump shouldn’t resign over sex allegations, we should “move on”

–Hollywood picks Anita Hill to lead panel on sexual abuse issues

–Sports Illustrated exposed NFL owner Jerry Richardson yesterday, he has already said he will sell the Carolina Panthers

–accused by 15 women, federal appeals judge Alex Kozinski announces retirement

–in Kansas, female Dem candidate for Congress drops out after denying she sexually harassed a man she fired 12 years ago

–first round of inauguration protesters awaits jury decision after unusual instructions from judge

–Trump judge appointee withdraws after failing Law 101 quiz