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PBC News & Comment: Silicon Valley Suppresses Free Speech

In body blow to First Amendment, Facebook and Twitter arbitrarily took down hundreds of sites claiming “coordinated inauthentic activity” (WTF?)…–in front page story, NY Times focuses on “Right Wing News” platform, but many users now banned tilt to the left

–more honest coverage from World Socialist Web Site and Caitlin Johnstone at The Antimedia, which has been targeted

–Facebook reduces estimate of hacked accounts from 50 million to 30 million, and details data that could have been taken

–in fresh interview, “valve turner” Emily Johnston expresses relief and disappointment that she was acquitted at trial, unable to present “necessity defense”

–in surprise move, Turkey orders release of American pastor Andrew Brunson

–the suspected murder of Jamal Khashoggi at Saudi consulate in Istanbul exposes America’s deep ties to Saudis, especially in the tech sector

–in Gaza today, 6 Palestinians killed by Israeli fire

–the nation of Malaysia, and Washington state, are banning capital punishment

–Pentagon grounds F-35 fighters after recent crash of $100 million aircraft

–Trump’s official immigrant-hater, Stephen Miller, is cooking up new schemes for family separation of migrants

–TrumpCo floats ideas to limit access to protesters, and charge them for using free speech rights on public property

–in ABC interview, Melania Trump deflects questions about Donnie’s girlfriends

–FOIA fiend Jason Leopold breaks another story: that White House chief of staff John Kelly called Sen. Elizabeth Warren “an impolite arrogant woman”