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PBC News & Comment: National Emergency Only Exists in Trump’s Twisted Mind

Failing to bend Congress to his faux reality, Trump tramples the Constitution and makes up data to fund his wall….–Dems and others will sue to block it, but impeachment is the best response

–Yale law professor Peter Schuck excoriates Congress for the law that enables Trump’s scheme, and urges them to block it

–SCOTUS will ultimately decide, and today’s decision to bypass appeals court and take up Census citizenship case isn’t encouraging

–former AIPAC staffer details how “the Benjamins” maintain the Lobby’s influence

The Guardian reports that pro-Israel donors spent $22 million of lobbying and contributions in 2018

–academics Mearsheimer and Walt, who wrote the book on the Lobby, are interviewed by Jeff Schectman at WhoWhatWhy

–Amazon’s petulant pullout from Long Island City proposal draws telling responses from apologists for unbridled capitalism

–at UN, Venezuela fights US-backed coup attempt, with support from about 50 nations

–in Warsaw, Pence lectures Europe on its refusal to join Trump’s folly in breaching Iran agreement

–Sputnik reports that BBC producer’s investigation shows that reported chemical weapons attack in Douma was fabricated

–Trump draws possible GOP challenger, former Mass Gov. Bill Weld

–Michael Avenatti resurfaces with new R. Kelly sex tape, as Ryan Adams faces FBI investigation for sexting 14-year-old girl

–one of America’s perpetual political gadflies, Lyndon LaRouche, is dead at 96