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PBC News & Comment: Lyin’ Don “Shoots Himself in the Foot”

Trump sets new record for presidential lies, and angrily cuts aid to Central American nations, ensuring more migrants move northward….WashPost is counting the lies: 9,541 in 801 days

–our unstable idiot cuts off aid to Honduras, Guatamala and El Salvador in desperate move to stall migration, but it will only increase

–Washington welcomes NATO boss Stoltenberg this week, and protesters will demand end to NATO expansion that alarms Russia, reports Norman Solomon

–a major NATO target, Ukraine, is ready to elect a TV actor and comic president

–corporate media amplifies calls for intervention in Venezuela, invoking Russia, red lines, and fake humanitarianism

–NY Times video op-ed stars “comedian” Joanna Housmann, with no mention that her papa is Harvard economist who’s advising Guaido

–Maduro allows Red Cross to bring in aid, and rations electricity

–Trump’s “immediate withdrawal” from Syria may happen in 2020

NY Times calls Friday’s Gaza protest “mostly calm” despite sniper deaths of 3 Palestinian youths

The Intercept has decided to shut down its Snowden archives, after citing only about 10% of the files he leaked, reports MintPress

–listener John Le Francois asks a good question about Biden’s tease about running in 2020

–Biden goes on defense after former Nevada legislator Lucy Flores objects to Uncle Joe’s touchy-feely behavior as NY Times recaps his shifting positions on abortion rights

–TrumpCo diverts millions from Planned Parenthood to Catholic anti-abortion group

–White House whistleblower Tricia Newbold says 25 Trumpers got security clearance after being rejected

–emerging from under Trump’s limo, Betsy DeVos agrees with hes bullying boss on restoring funding to Special Olympics

–right-wing majority on Supreme Court rejects medical appeal of Missouri execution, making cruel punishment usual

–in Gage County, Nebraska, leaders are trying to avoid paying $28 million to 6 people who served prison time for wrongful convictions in murder case from 1985