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PBC News & Comment: Mueller’s Testimony Leaves Dems Deflated, In Disarray

After betting the ranch on St. Bob Mueller, Democrats have increased Trump’s prospects for a second term, dimming impeachment prospects….–Mueller refused to answer questions 198 times, and his performance suggested signs of senility

–using deposition approach, Dems force Mueller to agree to many aspects of his report, but he refused to deliver a fatal soundbite

–Dems built Mueller up as national hero, Repubs slammed him in spin that ignores obstruction and the Cohen plea deal

–media pundits declare impeachment dead, 2020 election is only way to dump Trump

–Dem prez candidates renew calls for House impeachment inquiry

–my Congressman, Jared Huffman, gives candid interview to Buzzfeed, says Dems have made “tactical mistakes”

–at ConsortiumNews, Joe Lauria has some good points for skeptics of Russiagate

Real News Network interviews FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley for honest comments about Mueller,  and Kevin Ryan recaps Mueller’s history of coverups

–Tulsi Gabbard campaign sues Google for $50 million, for suspending account after the Democratic debate on June 27

–Gabbard has lost a staunch supporter, our listener John Zweibel, after she voted for resolution condemning BDS

–protesters in Puerto Rico win, as Gov. Rossello will resign August 2

–adopting the position of tobacco execs in the past, opiod makers deny all responsibility for the addiction and death caused by their products

–federal judge in Arkansas blocks new anti-abortion laws

–federal judge in San Francisco block’s Trump’s illegal and half-baked new asylum rules

–pedophile Jeffrey Esptein was either assaulted or tried suicide in prison Tuesday

–at MintPress, Whitney Webb posts second installment of series about Epstein and the long history of sex blackmail that includes Roy Cohn, a mentor of Trump

–TrumpCo announces new plans for executions

–artists exhibiting at New York’s Whitney Museum Biennial forced a board member to resign