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PBC News & Comment: San Jose Mayor Wants Gun Owners To Be Insured

Insurance companies can regulate gun ownership if liability insurance is mandatory, bypassing Congress and NRA, argues mayor reacting to Gilroy shooting….–Sen. Schumer says Trump should use $5 billion in border wall funding to reduce gun violence

–Hong Kong protests shut down Kai Tak airport for second day

–our generous patriarch, the stable genius, delays tariffs on some Chinese imports so that we can have a Merry Christmas

–the reported death of Jeffrey Epstein prompts FBI raid on his private island

–that post on 4Chan we mentioned yesterday was made almost 40 minutes before jail officials announced the alleged suicide

NY Times star reporter James B. Stewart reveals his interview with Epstein a year ago

–more names surface from Virginia Giuffre’s settled lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell

–Giuffre has also sued Alan Dershowitz for denying her claims against him, pitting two sleazy superlawyers against each other, Dershowitz and David Boies

–in important interview, gerrymandering author David Daley talks about the Supreme Court decisions on redistricting and the census citizenship question

–at ConsortiumNews, Ray McGovern adds new info to Seth Rich controversy

–Iran says Britain is ready to release tanker seized near Gibraltar last month

–NeoCons embrace report that Trump’s attempted pull-out from Syria has led to resurgence of IS

–at American Conservative, Scott Ritter has a positive view of Rep. Tulsi Gabbard’s meeting with Assad

–in op-ed, Tyler Bellstrom reviews top Dem Prez candidates as hawks and doves