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PBC News & Comment: Former Ambassador Defies Trump, Talks to Committee

Ex-Ukraine Ambassador Yovanovitch says Trump pressured State Dept to yank her from Ukraine for resisting Giuliani schemes that include arrested cronies….–as Pelosi holds all-Dem conference call on impeachment, narrow focus on Ukraine is called into question

–in 2-1 vote, federal appeals court rules against Trump on tax returns

–Giuliani’s clients, Parnas and Fruman, helped with the Biden effort at the same time they were cruising for business deals

–former Secretary of State Rexxon Tillerson may provide damaging evidence in case of Giuliani client Reza Zarrab, after Trump promoted prisoner swap

–at WashPost, Aaron Blake notes the casual corruption and open lawbreaking of Team Trump

–in mob rally in Minneapolis district of Rep. Ilhan Omar, Trump pandered to white racism and anti-Somali sentiment, and slimed Joe Biden, too

–Pentagon announces 1,800 more troops will be deployed in Saudi Arabia, ignoring the cause of bin Laden’s declaration of war on US

–the Islamic State prisoners grabbed by US will be sent to Iraq

–in effort to shame Trump over Syria retreat, NY Times trots out generals, historians, and evangelicals

–former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, who knows Kurdish history, says Trump made the right decision in a ham-handed way

World Socialist Website notes that corporate media ignored an emotional anti-war tweet from Trump

–Jeremy Hammond refused to testify before Assange grand jury, joins Chelsea Manning in jail for contemptible contempt charges

–Henry Frese, accused of leaking Chinese military secrets to girlfriend at NBC, is being charged under Espionage Act

–at LGBTQ presidential candidate forum, Warren delivers a zinger, Biden trips on his wokeness, and CNN’s Chris Cuomo apologizes for joking about pronouns

–as power is being restored in northern California, Santa Ana winds fuel dangerous wildfire in San Fernando Valley, north of LA

–at Brownsville border, frustrated asylum seekers shut down the crossing for 15 hours

–almost one third of arrested protesters in Hong Kong are under 18

–Ecuador protesters occupy National Assembly

–Just in: Shepard Smith resigns from Fox “News”, reasons not disclosed