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PBC News & Comment: Yellow Journalism Infects Syria Coverage and Dem Primary

Promoting hawkish NeoCon agenda, corporate media slams Trump over Syria retreat, and NY Times smears Tulsi Gabbard a dozen ways….–the Gabbard story is an ugly hit piece, read it here

NBC News retaliates on former employee Ronan Farrow over his claims that network covered up Matt Lauer’s escapades and blocked Weinstein reporting

–bizarre deep-fake video of Trump shooting journalists and network logos is shown at Trump resort in Florida

–Nashville TV anchor shows up the network talking heads, and grills Mike Pompeo

–Syrian Kurds appear to have made a pact with Assad

–first potential war crimes are reported, and NY Times investigation shows Russian bombers targeted hospitals in Syria in May attacks

–all 28 EU nations agree to ban arms sales to Turkey

–corporate media, in lockstep, relentlessly spin the story as Trump’s blunder, and never mention that US had only 150 troops near Turkish border

–the only dissenting view is from Guardian opinion writer Simon Jenkins

–in surprise capitulation, Ecuador’s Lenin Moreno cancels IMF austerity plan

–Spanish court convicts 9 Catalan separatists for 2017 independence drive

–as Trump approaches 1,000 days in office, he has lied over 13,000 times

–his claims of a meaningful trade agreement with China are latest lies

–his 4th Homeland Security boss quit on the same day that courts dealt setbacks to Trump on immigration policies

–Sen. Elizabeth Warren challenges Facebook by running intentionally false ad about Zuck supporting Trump

–as Warren gains in the polls, she’s not getting endorsed by fellow Democratic elected officials

–Tuesday’s debate in Ohio draws calls for new topics, like homeless issues

From the impeachment file

 –is the Stable Genius ready to jettison Rudy Giuliani?

–despite White House efforts to block her, former national security staffer Fiona Hill gave closed-door testimony today

–Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale, calls impeachment effort “seditious conspiracy”

–Max Blumenthal reveals how the influential Atlantic Council, which gets funding from Burisma and US-based multinational oil firms