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PBC News & Comment: Mr. “Hope and Change” Lectures Lefty Dems

Meeting with megadonors, Obama warns candidates not to go too far left, Bernie and AOC push back as Buttigieg tops Iowa poll…–using hyperbole, Obama says lefties want to “tear down the system” and AOC responds “we are bringing the party home”

–Buttigieg jumps 9% in Iowa poll to 25%, leading the field, as Warren waters down her plan for Medicare for All

–newbies: Bloomberg apologizes for “stop and frisk” and Deval Patrick gets weak reception from California Dem convention

–gatekeepers at the NY Times approve of the moderates

–70% of Americans think Trump did something wrong with Ukraine, 51% now support his removal

–based on Roger Stone’s conviction, impeachment investigators look at probable lies in Trump’s written answers to Mueller

–responding to Pelosi dare, Trump says he may submit written comments to impeachment investigation

–in August, John Bolton met with Trump and failed to convince him to release the aid to Ukraine

–former New Yorker reporter and Watergate expert Elizabeth Drew says Ukraine as impeachment target is “too small”

–at CounterPunch, Rob Urie argues that impeachment is brought to you by the CIA

new report by UN torture envoy Nils Melzer excoriates Sweden for framing Julian Assange for rape, but the US media hasn’t covered it, except for pesky socialists

–in a rare reprieve in Texas, execution is delayed for Rodney Reed amid new evidence of innocence

–in obscene reprieves, Trump pardons 3 soldiers accused or convicted of war crimes

–in fresh podcast at WhoWhatWhy, small biz advocate Jim Doyle says Trump is bad for small business

–and recent interview of Brett Chamberlin regarding documentary The Story of Plastic is posted today at

–lost and abandoned fishing gear makes up 10% of plastic pollution but is very dangerous to sea life

–Italy has proposed tax on plastics, but the industry is fighting back

The Intercept posted this report recently, on how plastic pollution is making some Central American communities unliveable

–US sanctions lead Iran to triple fuel prices, triggering protests and crackdown

–Hong Kong protesters occupy university campus, and repel police attack

–on first anniversary of Yellow Vest protests in France, small crowds showed up

–outspoken Israeli columnist Gideon Levy slams IDF for attack last week that only killed civilians, based on stale target info

–even the NY Times serves up a critical report

–Reuters investigation shows that Venezuela’s special police unit killed over 5,000 people in 2018 in extrajudicial killings

–inspired by right-wing coup in Bolivia, wannabe president Guaido leads protests aimed at reviving regime change efforts

–Bolivia’s Guaido, self-proclaimed president Jeanine Añez aligns with US policy as she moves to crack down on Indigenous protests and promote white supremacy

–PG&E warns northern California customers of possible blackout on Wednesday and Thursday, as report shows multiple fires caused by home generators during last outage