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PBC News & Comment, 12.11.19: IG Exposes FISA Corruption and Media Malpractice

Even Lindsay Graham calls for major reforms to FISA and FBI, as CNN report of Manafort FISA warrant is contradicted…–FBI’s misrepresentations to FISA court in Carter Page warrant weren’t the first, as Charlie Savage details in NY Times

WashPost’s Erik Wemple nails CNN for report based on anonymous sources that said Manafort and Flynn were subjects of FISA warrants

–channeling Trump, AG Barr hammers the FBI, and some of his claims are true

–Ray McGovern has much more faith in Barr and John Durham than your humble host

–in Senate hearing, Horowitz stands by his report, and Sen. Graham grandstands

–“impeachment lite” will go forward with just 2 articles, to widespread dismay

–Trump is expected to sign executive order redefining Judaism as a race and nationality, using problematic definition of anti-Semitism

–at MintPress, Adam McLeod properly calls it “criminalization of dissent”

–in part 3 of “the Afghanistan Papers”, WashPost details billions wasted on reconstruction

–in The Hague, Myanmar’s Aung San Suu Kyi whitewashes Rohynga genocide charges

–federal judge in Texas blocks construction of border wall with funds diverted under claimed “national emergency”

–4,000 truck drivers are stranded nationwide as Celadon files bankruptcy

–sexual predator Harvey Weinstein’s bail is raised to $5 million as he faces trial in January, and tries to settle civil cases in $25 million deal

–Buttigieg campaign releases McKinsey clients Pete worked for

–confirming Greg Palast’s comments in latest podcast interview, new audit shows PG&E diverted funds intended to underground power lines, as plans for public ownership gain momentum and polls show public rejection of PG&E