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PBC News & Comment: In Virus Response, Trump Only Cares About Low Numbers

Trump’s denial of the pandemic risk and unfocused response reveal his top concern: keeping the numbers of infected and killed as low as possible….–cut to payroll tax would increase paychecks a little, but it’s more like a loan to be paid back with income tax payments next year; how ‘bout Andrew Yang’s “Freedom Dividend”?

–the mostly non-American crew of Grand Princess cruise ship will be quarantined on the ship, not permitted to enter US

–Italy imposes national lockdown, and NY Gov. Cuomo locks down New Rochelle

The Guardian posts first MSM report on prospects of drug remdisivir for Covid-19

–recovering Economic Hit Man John Perkins says Mother Earth is sending a message

–Trump, Biden and Sanders continue to hold big rallies

–with primaries in 6 states today, polls show Biden in the lead

–Biden told a Detroit autoworker who argued about guns “you’re full of shit”

–Biden told MSNBC viewers he’d veto Medicare for All

–in video report, Mehdi Hasan looks at Joe Biden’s lies

–in new, in-depth interview, Joe Lauria of ConsortiumNews recaps the preliminary hearing on extradition for Julian Assange

–Sen, Ron Wyden and Rep Ro Khanna introduce Espionage Act Reform Act

–Virginia lawmakers end gerrymandering in new legislation

–in Sunday report, NY Times says Erik Prince recruited spies to train James O’Keefe’s team to infiltrate liberal groups and Dem campaigns

–DC Appeals Court rules that House committees can see redacted grand jury evidence from Mueller report

–Trump blasts House for holding briefings with his intelligence people on alleged Russian meddling in 2020 election, his acting DNI avoids appearing on the Hill

–in WashPost opinion column, Katrina vanden Heuvel blasts NY Times for Commie smear of Bernie Sanders

–in Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince MBS snuffs out possible palace coup

–Turkey’s Erdogan cruelly uses refugees to extort EU

–as Trump declares mostly-phony Afghan peace plan, Whitney Webb exposes how hollow it s, as violence continues and 2 men claim presidency

–in Israel, Netanyahu struggles to form government as opponents align

–Led Zeppelin wins appeal of copyright suit over Stairway to Heaven