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PBC News & Comment: Trump Ignores Experts As GOP Senate Ignores People Who Are Hurting

Trump responds to Fox host with call to end isolation, Mitch McConnell tries to jam corporate bailouts on Democrats…–Trump tunes out experts who advise longer isolation, protecting corporations and the rich at expense of poor Americans

–McConnell’s idea of compromise is Dem capitulation, and so far the minority is holding firm in opposing bailouts with no rules, token payments to average Americans

–our Covid 19 daily update, compiled by Linda Lewis

another report says corona virus wasn’t developed in a lab

–as some Americans ignore isolation orders, Italian mayors are yelling at their citizens to go home

–in the height of irony, Trump officials consider opening Obamacare enrollment, as California has done

–some confusion as Grand Princess passengers due to be released from “quarantine” this week

–many Americans are rightly concerned that responses to the pandemic will rollback more constitutional rights, and may lead to martial law

–in conversation with Bill Moyers, Supreme Court analyst Dahlia Lithwick shows concern

in op-ed, Oxford student Samuel Miller McDonald offers strong argument against authoritarian measure

–Moon of Alabama dings intel agencies which failed to warn of pandemic as they pushed out more Russian meddling alarms

–listener Colleen McGuire is upset by Senators’ insider trading, but notes that it’s mostly legal, and reporting systems have been made toothless

–PBC notes that Dem leaders knew of the pandemic risk when they revved up the Block Bernie machinery in late February and propped up Joe Biden

–in premature obit for Sanders campaign, NY Times mixes valid criticism with magical explanations for Biden’s sudden rise

–Kevin Gosztola reveals the GOP and corporate Dems who funded stop Bernie PAC, and Lee Fang shows that Warren’s superPAC got 96% of donations from a rich woman in Silicon Valley

–one of the debates in the White House now is about squeezing Iran even more

–San Francisco journalist Tim Redmond says the 1% should pay for corporate bailouts

–after torching the whole town of Paradise, PG&E pleads guilty, pays fine