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PBC News & Comment: In Corrupt Move, Barr Tries to Dismiss Flynn Charges

As newly-released FBI documents show Flynn was tipped off before he lied to agents, AG Barr tries to withdraw charges…–blogger Marcy Wheeler adds some details about Mike Flynn’s lies for background check before Trump appointed him

–Barr also quietly dropped Mueller’s charges charges against St. Petersburg troll farm that was dramatic sideshow in St. Bob’s investigation

–Trump appeals to Supreme Court to block Mueller grand jury files sought by Dems in House Intelligence Committee

–in rare unanimous decision, SCOTUS overturns convictions of Chris Christie’s minions in “Bridgegate” coverup

–indications the GOP is planning “October Surprise” surface as Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) complains that State Dept. fast tracks GOP document requests, ignores Dems’

–Trump renews his threat to dismantle Obamacare, and Barr dissents—for political reasons

–the inexperienced conservative youngster who Mitch McConnell is trying to pack onto DC appeals court has bashed Obamacare but says he’d uphold SCOTUS ruling

–Texas lawyer Trey Trainor opposes just about all campaign regulations, advancing to confirmation on toothless Federal Elections Commission

–Rep. Ilhan Omar inflames her defenders by signing onto AIPAC letter seeking to extend arms embargo on Iran in hypocritical use of Iran nuke deal

–neocon darling and staunch supporter of Israel Daniel Pipes argues against annexation of West Bank, offers 6 reasons

–murder in broad daylight caught on video: black jogger Ahmaud Arbery case in Brunswick, Georgia draws national outrage

–former congressman and former Republican Pete McCloskey tells about the first Earth Day in recent podcast on 50th anniversary

–our daily Covid-19 update, edited by Linda Lewis

in detailed report with interactive graphic, NY Times shows that most states that are reopening don’t meet White House criteria

–smartphone location data show that when Georgia re-opened, hundreds of thousands poured in from neighboring states

–in US and UK, blacks are disproportionally suffering from Covid-19

–new study shows that about 60% of US cases came via New York

Public Citizen reminds us that taxpayers paid for development of Remdesivir, which Gilead now controls

WashPost reporter Greg Sargent makes good points about Trump’s efforts to create illusion that we are returning to normal

–Covid madness is breaking out all over America

–PBC shares recent Facebook exchange with Biden fanatics who hammered Chris Hayes for reporting on Tara Reade case, then shift to “war on fascism” meme