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PBC News & Comment: Brace Yourselves for Obamagate!

As big media generally ignore recent document releases undermining Russiagate, “alternative” media ridicule Trump and challenges to the unraveling narrative…–Rachel Maddow speculated that Trump’s short fuse at news conference was to distract from Supreme Court hearings about releasing his tax returns

–in comical “explainer”, The Guardian asks, “what is Obamagate”

Buzzfeed says it’s to distract us from coronavirus outbreak at White House, and uses Twitter as a gauge

–in mocking post at ConsortiumNews, Patrick Lawrence pokes the promoters who cannot accept their errors

–in latest in-depth interview, Scott Ritter changes PBC’s mind about Flynn case, and goes deep on the Russiagate meltdown

–House Dems unveil $3 trillion relief package with many worthwhile items

–at The Intercept, great argument in favor of remote voting by the House to restrain Pelosi’s one-person dealmaking and restore some accountability

–over 2 dozen Senate Dems call for CDC guidelines for November elections

–Trump, who claims mail-in ballots hurt GOP prospects, rails against “rigged” precinct voting in special election in California today

–SCOTUS holds overtime, remote oral arguments in Trump tax return cases, and it looks like they will delay a decision by punting back to lower courts

Baltimore Sun is latest once-great paper to hit the rocks in coronavirus depression, locals are trying to buy it and go nonprofit

–bad boy billionaire Elon Musk defies local shutdown order, and restarts Telsa assembly line

–our Covid-19 daily update, assembled by Linda Lewis

–Mike Pompeo wings his way to Israel to touch elbows with Netanyahu and bless annexation of West Bank areas

–minors detained at the border must be released within 20 days; a Guatemalan boy has been held for 400 days, as others are deported under Covid fog

–after voters softened California’s 3-strikes law, right wingers return to the ballot

–Facebook is quietly engineering new dark money advocacy group to oppose regulation

–Trump and GOP Senate allies push for confirmation of right wing propagandist to run US foreign propaganda media

–former Philly mayor Wilson Goode apologizes for deadly MOVE bombing raid in 1985