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PBC News & Comment: As ‘Defund Police’ Calls Expand, Police Remain Defiant

Protesters demand to “defund the police” as Minneapolis council members vow to “dismantle” rogue department; Buffalo, Philly cops back their bad apples…–the slogan has various interpretations, but reflects strong need to drastically reform policing and remove protections for law-breaking cops

–NYC’s de Blasio bows to pressure, to cut NYPD budget, but Joe Biden says he opposes budget cuts

–House Democrats propose bill to limit bias and excessive force

–in past 5 years, police have killed over 1,000 suspects each year

–lawmakers demand an end to DEA surveillance of protesters

–viral videos reveal police brutality in Buffalo and Philadelphia, but fellow officers support the accused cops

–new protest is sparked in Oakland after Highway Patrol officers shot and killed suspect in looted car

–active duty air force MP is accused of killing sheriff’s deputy in California, same suspect my have killed security guard in Oakland

–Sunday night in Seattle, a protester was killed after confronting armed man who drove his car through a crowd

–undocumented man in Phoenix was swept up in protest dragnet, now faces deportation

–Army opens investigation into use of choppers to buzz DC protesters last Monday

NY Times sacks editorial page editor over Tom Cotton op-ed, as tensions rise in newsrooms

–at The Grayzone, Yasha Levine reports that US propaganda media aren’t reporting the protests

–our daily Covid-19 update, prepared by Linda Lewis

–Libyan civil war may be winding down, as CIA buddy Hifter signals defeat

–in Israel, Netanyahu’s plan to annex parts of West Bank draw surprise challenges from settlers and Palestinian Authority

–Glenn Greenwald slams NY Times as it finally admits the false reporting that led to coup in Bolivia last year

–at Jacobin, Derek Davison and Alex Thurston preview foreign policy in a Biden presidency

WashPost shows potential fraud rate in vote by mail states is .0025 percent